Q.I am almost 5 months pregnant and recently I had an ultrasound which shows an EFBW of 323 GMS. What does this mean?
(Mrs Sheena Ahmed, 22 December 2008)
Thanks for your question and congratulations on your pregnancy. During pregnancy, a number of ultrasounds and scans are carried out to monitor how the pregnancy is growing and the growth of your baby in the womb. Ultrasounds are painless and safe, so it’s an ideal method of scanning for pregnancy.
It’s standard practice for ultrasounds to be carried out at the stages of three months and five months into pregnancy. Many hospitals provide women with a printed copy of the scan to take home afterwards – often they very clearly show your baby, although other times they could be facing the wrong way, have a limb crossed or be obscuring the face somehow! It’s a bit hit and miss when photographing babies in the womb like this, but it’s a lovely memento to take home. At the bottom of the scan there are various printed letters and numbers, including EFBW and GMS.
Although it may seem like a slightly strange acronym, EFBW actually stands for Estimated Fetal Birth Weight – or the weight that your baby could be when he or she is born. The second part, in your case 323 GMS, stands for the estimated weight – i.e. 323 grams.
The meaning of this acronym should have been explained to you at the scan (remember, if you are unsure about anything, it’s always fine to ask – although it’s easy to forget at the time and only think of things later on). The estimated weight is also often given out to mums, although it’s usually given in the form of pounds and ounces rather than grams. Pounds and ounces is the form of measurement that babies are traditionally weighed in and it’s what most people can understand in terms of baby weight. It’s worth bearing in mind, though, that this is very much an estimate at this stage, as the actual weight can vary considerably. In fact, it can vary by about 25%.
Due to the variation in actual birth weight, not all hospitals do give out details of the estimated birth weight, which is why you may not have been told what EBFW meant. During the next few months, your baby will be increasing in size and continuing to grow and develop in a variety of ways.
Good Luck With The Rest Of Your Pregnancy!
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My wife is 32.6 weeks ...and the babys weight is 1971gms...is that normal or not...please reply me.....
Babu - 11-Sep-20 @ 10:53 AM
my 18th week and baby weight 252 it is gud or bad...please tell me....
baby - 31-Jul-20 @ 3:34 PM
Hello!i have 21 weeks and 4 days pregnancy.. and my EFBW is 430gms.. is that normal?? Will my baby healthy or not??
Maan - 27-Jun-20 @ 8:49 AM
At 24 weeks what should be my baby's EFBW in gm
Goody - 6-Feb-20 @ 10:09 AM
My wife is 21 week 2 day . In scan report EFRW 415 GM is normal or not . Can you please help me to know current status of baby ????
Sree - 3-Jan-20 @ 11:10 AM
I am 35W 3Days pregnant and my EFBW is 2546 gms. Is it normal?? Plz tell me what is the actuall weight of the baby at the time of birth??
Rt - 3-Dec-19 @ 8:16 AM
I am 34.1wks pregnant my baby weight is 2215gm is my baby healthy
Asha - 2-Dec-19 @ 2:23 AM
My wife is 37weeks 5days pregnant
E.F.B.W - 3010 gramshow is she
Mallesh - 22-Nov-19 @ 10:20 AM
I am pregnant of 36 week 2 days and my EFBW is 1949 is it normal..?
singh - 26-Oct-19 @ 12:24 PM
i had my ultrasound rhis sept 19i wonder what is rhis number for efbw 2336 stands fir can you please give me an idea regarding this and his apgar sciring is 8/8
thank you hope for the answer soon
rhem - 15-Sep-19 @ 6:44 AM
my wife is 16.2 weeks and done early tiffa scan.
E/O an elongated anechoic lesion with minimal internal echogencity noted below stomach bubble.
please advise what does this mean
shafi - 9-Jul-19 @ 12:03 PM
Am 25 week 6days pregnant my EFBW 926.99 gms..What's actual weight of the baby it's normal or not
Priyanka - 1-Apr-19 @ 11:04 AM
I am 20 wks pregnent and myEFBW is showing 319 gms. Tell me it is normal or not? Plz.
Arti - 21-Mar-19 @ 6:07 PM
Please am 20weeks and 5days scan shown that my EFBW is 0.378kg please is it normal?
Jackcherry - 27-Feb-19 @ 4:34 PM
Am 36 week pregnant my EFBW 2864 What's actual weight of the baby it's normal or not
Meera - 29-Jan-19 @ 3:33 AM
I am 34 weeks pregnant and my EFBW is 2370gms±346gms
Vava - 16-Dec-18 @ 10:59 AM
my efbw is 2647 in ultrasound
So what is the wheat of baby
Nnn - 6-Nov-18 @ 10:27 AM
I am 25 week 1 day pregnant my efbw:799 please give me details
Dengkhw - 21-Oct-18 @ 2:08 PM
Efbw is -1654ms how much baby weight is this
Dipu - 28-Aug-18 @ 6:35 PM
My wife 20wks pregnancy'scan shows is WFBWT 359 gm.plz tell me its normal wt
Sid - 23-Aug-18 @ 1:31 PM
Shona - Your Question:
I am 21w 1day pregnant and my EFBW is showing 454 gms. It is normal or not? Plz tell me about this query.
Our Response:
We can't give individual medical advice, please ask your midwife or GP.
BabyAndPregnancy - 25-Jun-18 @ 2:57 PM
I am 21w 1day pregnant and my EFBW is showing 454 gms. It is normal or not? Plz tell me about this query.
Shona - 23-Jun-18 @ 2:04 PM
My ultrasoundreport mention 133GMS approximately. Please tell me my baby is healthy weight and complete details.
Golu - 3-Apr-18 @ 10:35 AM
my wife 20wks pregnancy'scan shows EFBWT 385gm, plz tell me its normal wt
shahnefo - 5-Feb-18 @ 11:10 AM
I'm 26 weeks pregnant and my EFBW Is 975. Is it normal?? Plzz. Help me.. and also my ultrasound shown a cord around d neck.. is it normal.. plzz tell me..
Iru - 11-Dec-17 @ 2:46 PM
I am 36 weeks pregnant
I had colour Doppler test it shows EFBW equal to 2170 GM's kindly advice
Swathi - 7-Dec-17 @ 6:15 AM
I am at 38 W 5 Days...I had an Ultra sSound Scan today, EFBW -3384g
I wish to know does this is the current weight or appx weight at delivery.?!
Reji - 16-Nov-17 @ 9:33 AM
I am 18 weeks paregnancy and my EFBW is 265 grams is healthy baby weight is it normal plz tell me all the details plz
Non - 7-Nov-17 @ 5:06 PM
I am 16 week pregnant and my E.F.B.W is showing on ultrasound 136 gms .tell me clearly on details please.