Pregnancy Lifestyle...
Below are our articles on the subject of Pregnancy Lifestyle. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Are Vaccinations Safe When Pregnant?
We take having vaccinations for granted usually, but what’s the situation when you’re pregnant? What’s safe, and what’s not?...

Bed Rest During Pregnancy
Many women are asked to go on bed rest during pregnancy. Here are some basic answers to frequently asked questions about bed rest....

Coping with Pregnancy Cravings
Discover why pregnancy cravings occur and how you can cope with them....

Exotic Holidays While Pregnant
Is it safe to go on an exotic holiday whilst you’re pregnant? This article delves into the issue....

Gardening While Pregnant
Gardening is an enjoyable leisure activity, but when you’re pregnant there are some safety issues you need to be aware of....

Insecticides and Cleaning Products During Pregnancy
Find out why you should take care using insecticides and cleaning products during pregnancy....

Is it Safe to Colour Hair When Pregnant?
You're used to regularly colouring your hair, but now you're pregnant is it safe? This article explores the evidence and offers tips on safely colouring your hair....

Is it Safe to Have a Tattoo Whilst Pregnant?
Exploring the issue of whether or not it’s safe to have a tattoo or body art done during pregnancy....

Recreational Drugs and Pregnancy
Recreational drugs and pregnancy aren’t a good mix and drugs can cause all sorts of problems for your growing baby, including threatening their life....

Safe Skincare When Pregnant
Your skincare routine might not be your top priority during pregnancy, but perhaps it should be. Find out which ingredients could pose problems and why....

Safe Spa Treatments in Pregnancy
Find out which spa treatments you can safely have done whilst you’re pregnant....

Sex During Pregnancy
Find out if it’s safe to have sex whilst you’re pregnant....

Smoking and Passive Smoking During Pregnancy
Both smoking and passive smoking can harm your baby, even when they’re still in your womb. Find out why....

Swollen Legs and Swelling in Pregnancy
Swollen legs and feet are a common symptom of pregnancy. This article answers frequently asked questions about the coping with the condition during pregnancy....

Top 10 Pregnancy Relaxation Tips
Pregnancy can be a demanding time for you, but it’s important to relax. Read this article to discover 10 top tips for relaxing during pregnancy....

What to Wear During Pregnancy
As your body changes during pregnancy, the time will come when you can’t wear your usual clothes. Here’s a guide as to what to wear during pregnancy....

What You Need To Know About Alcohol And Pregnancy
Updated article looking at the new advice for alcohol consumption during pregnancy....

Working While Pregnant
Find out all you need to know about working while pregnant, including your rights at work....