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Labour & Birth...

Below are our articles on the subject of Labour & Birth. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Admission Procedures and Early Labour Checks
Admission Procedures and Early Labour Checks
Discover the facts about what to expect from admission procedures when you arrive at hospital to give birth, plus information about the early labour checks that are…...
Am I in Labour?
Am I in Labour?
Some people might assume it’s obvious when you’re in labour, but it’s not always so clear cut. Here are the common ways of telling if you’re in labour or not....
Assisted Birth Delivery Methods
Assisted Birth Delivery Methods
Assisted delivery is often needed during labour to help you give birth. Find out about the main methods used and what's involved...
Baby Shower Basics
Baby Shower Basics
There is nothing as special as a baby shower. This is a time to spoil both mother and baby with gifts and love. If the concept is new to you, read on and find out the…...
Birth Induction
Birth Induction
If you're past your due date, or suffering from certain conditions, you may need to be induced. Find out how it's done and what's involved....
Caesarean Section
Caesarean Section
About one in six women has a caesarean section to give birth, but why are they needed and what's involved?...
Choosing a Birthing Partner
Choosing a Birthing Partner
Help, information and advice about choosing a birthing partner....
Everything You Want to Know About the Placenta
Everything You Want to Know About the Placenta
Insight into everything you've always wanted to know about the placenta, and perhaps a bit more too!...
Getting Ready For a New Baby
Getting Ready For a New Baby
An overview of the essentials you'll need to get ready for the arrival of a new baby, including nursery and feeding equipment, travel items, and everyday care....
Giving Birth: Pain Relief Methods
Giving Birth: Pain Relief Methods
There are four main pain relief methods available in hospitals for women giving birth. This article explores and compares the options....
God Parents and Guardians
God Parents and Guardians
God parents and guardians offer enjoy special relationships with children. This article offers parents basic information to help them select god parents and guardians…...
Having a Home Birth
Having a Home Birth
Considering a home birth? Find out more about the practical issues and the situations when home births may not be possible....
How Much Weight Gain is Expected During Pregnancy?
How Much Weight Gain is Expected During Pregnancy?
A look at the issue of how much weight you can expect to gain during pregnancy and where the weight comes from....
Hypnotherapy and Hypno-Birthing
Hypnotherapy and Hypno-Birthing
Having hypnotherapy or using hypno-birthing techniques could improve your labour and birth experience. Find out why and what's involved....
Is a Natural Delivery Possible After a Caesarean Section?
Is a Natural Delivery Possible After a Caesarean Section?
This informative article explores whether it's possible for pregnant women to have a natural, or vaginal delivery, after a previous caesarean section....
Is it Possible to Have a Pain-free Labour?
Is it Possible to Have a Pain-free Labour?
Is it possible to have a pain-free labour? We look at some of the pain relieving options you could consider for labour....
Making A Birth Plan
Making A Birth Plan
Find out how writing a birth plan can help you keep track of your preferences for birth and labour, and put the midwife in the picture....
Natural Ways to Bring on Labour
Natural Ways to Bring on Labour
A look at some of the natural ways and alternative methods purported to help bring on labour....
Useful Skills When Going Into Labour
Useful Skills When Going Into Labour
When the time comes to go into labour, you'll need to put all the skills you've learn into action. This article looks at the key skills for early labour....
Waterbirth Safety
Waterbirth Safety
If you fancy giving birth in water, find out what's involved and whether it's as safe as traditional forms of labour....
What Does Dad Need For the Birth?
What Does Dad Need For the Birth?
Article exploring the practical things dad's need in readiness for the birth, as well as the emotional support they need to provide....
What Happens If I Get a Tear During Childbirth?
What Happens If I Get a Tear During Childbirth?
Find out what it means if you experience a tear during childbirth and what will happen if this occurs....
What Happens When My Waters Break?
What Happens When My Waters Break?
Unsure about what really happens when your waters break? Discover the facts, in this informative article....
What is a Retained Placenta?
What is a Retained Placenta?
Discover what it means to have a retained placenta after giving birth and what happens when this occurs....
What Positions Are Best for Labour?
What Positions Are Best for Labour?
Discover which positions are best for labour and giving birth....
What to Pack For Labour
What to Pack For Labour
Making sure you have everything you need for when you go into labour is crucial. Here are some ideas of essential items to pack, for before and after labour....
When Can You Expect to Feel Your Unborn Baby Moving?
When Can You Expect to Feel Your Unborn Baby Moving?
Discover when you could begin to feel your baby moving around in the womb during pregnancy....