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Yoga for Post-pregnancy

By: Rachel Newcombe - Updated: 24 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Yoga Pregnancy Post Post Natal Exercise

One form of exercise that’s popular with postnatal women is yoga. Here we explore why it’s popular and at what stage of post pregnancy you can safely attempt to have a go.

When you’ve had a baby, exercising is unlikely to be a top priority too soon. The whole birth experience, whether you’ve had a caesarean section or giving birth naturally, can take its toll on your body. Plus, it sometimes takes time getting used to the demands of your new baby and getting adjusted to your new routine. But if you do want to do some exercise, perhaps to try and tone your muscles, then post pregnancy yoga is one option.

When to Start and What to Look For

If you’ve had a relatively straightforward birth and not had caesarean section, then you can safely have a go at post pregnancy yoga from six weeks after the birth, or whenever you feel able to.

Rather than going to a straightforward yoga class, it’s better if you can find a class that’s geared up for post natal yoga. There are many in existence and they’re particularly valuable, as they are specially designed for the needs of post pregnancy women. If you’ve previously attended a yoga class, then it’s well worth asking your teacher if they run a post natal yoga session too, as many do.

Post natal yoga sessions will be designed with your needs in mind. The postures performed will be gentle and slow and are likely to focus on restoring the pelvic floor muscles, uterus and abdomen. There may also be postures that help to relieve any breast discomfort that you’ve got. In addition, they’ll be other new mums attending too and the social aspect of mixing with women who in a similar situation too can be rewarding.

Yoga can also help build you up again physically too. Many women find they end up with back ache after pregnancy, partly from the weight of carrying the baby around whilst in pregnancy, and post natal yoga can help build up your strength and flexibility again. Stretching postures are great for helping ease any aches and pains and generally help boost your body after the experience of giving birth.

If you feeling down or lacking in confidence, then it’s worth bearing in mind that exercise in general, yoga included, can produce a ‘feel good’ feeling and lift your spirits. Even if you’ve never tried yoga before, it can still be beneficial; it’s a good option if you want something gentle, but aren’t massively keen on swimming or walking.

Post Natal Yoga For Mum and Baby

As well as post natal yoga classes for new mums, some post natal classes even cater for your baby too. If childcare is an issue, this solves the problem in a fitting way, as you’re able to take your baby with you to the class. Although babies are unable to do yoga in the same way as adults, they are likely to gain some benefits too, even if they’re not immediately visible.

Yoga for babies usually involves songs and nursery rhymes and there may be simple movements involved too. Some classes also incorporate baby massage techniques, which is great for increasing the bond between mum and baby – and most babies love it!

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